GeoPlace on the Knowledge Hub
The GeoPlace Authority Contacts Group is a forum for mutual support, sharing information, and disseminating best practice on the creation and maintenance of local authority address and street data.
Membership is restricted to the following DCA role holders (but if you can ask one of these role holders to nominate you, we may be able to give you access):
- Principal contact
- Address Custodian and additional Address Custodian
- Street Custodian and additional Street Custodian
- SNN Officer (Street Naming and Numbering Officer)
External Link
GeoPlace Knowledge hub
Access the GeoPlace Authority Contacts Group

Discover knowledge to help you do your job
- Keep up to date with current thinking
- Enhance your skills and expertise
- Compare and share information and data
Connect with people like you and experts to network with
- Develop and retain specialist knowledge
- Share what works with others
- Network and collaborate with peers
Save time and money
- Have global conversations from your desk
- Save hours of research time by learning from others
- Pool resources
Generate and incubate ideas to drive improvement
- Inspire innovation
- Create new ways of working
- Learn from leaders in your field
Raise your profile and that of your organisation
- Get in touch with new and existing colleagues
- Build relationships
- Develop customer insight
Earn CPD points
- The Royal Geographical Society offer CPD points to members of the GeoPlace Authority Contacts Knowledge Hub who take participate actively.
- This is applicable to all Chartered Geographers or those seeking Chartered Geographer status.
Other useful groups on the Knowledge Hub
HAUC and NSG Communities Group
This community is for all members of the Highway Authorities and Utilities Committee (UK) [HAUC(UK)] and the NSG community to aid communication and knowledge sharing between the two communities.
The Streets Data Discussion Group is an open Group for anyone with an interest in streets and street data to share information and access the community's pool of knowledge by asking peers questions or offering best practice advice regarding street data.
A working group set up to address SNN matters in the London area. The group is made up of Street Naming and Numbering officers in the London area
Geographical and Spatial Information
The Geographical and Spatial Information Knowledge hub group is accessible by local government organisations who have a working interest in the use of GI to support service delivery. The group provides a space, whether you are a GI novice or expert, to network; discuss; share news and best practice.
Inspire Directive and UK Location Programme
INSPIRE is a European wide technical standards framework to enable the access, publishing and sharing of location information. The UK Location Programme is implementing INSPIRE across the UK while the LGA is supporting local authorities in finding solutions for implementing INSPIRE locally. This Groups is for geographic information practitioners in local government to learn about INSPIRE and share best practice.
Regional Chairs Address Group (private)
A National Chairs group made up of elected custodians to represent their region on Address matters
Regional Chairs Streets Group (private)
A National Chairs group made up of elected custodians to represent their region on Street matters
A decision making body that works closely with the National Chairs groups to represent the views of the DCA community.
The DCA (Data Co-operation Agreement) ISWG (Improvement Schedule Working Group) works towards putting together Improvement Schedules year on year
GeoPlace DCA-SNN-PWG (private)
The GeoPlace DCA-SNN-PWG (Data Co-operation Agreement-Street Naming and Numbering-Practice Working Group) is a working group made of SNN Officers whose work will incorporate setting up an SNN governance structure, harmonising SNN processes and enhancing and improving communication channels with key stakeholders in order to underpin, streamline and harmonise SNN work and promote a good addressing vision and strategy at a national level.