Are you interested in finding out more about the Power of Place?
Do you want to learn more about UPRNs and USRNs? Then complete the form below and we’ll send you an introduction to the identifiers.
What hidden power will you discover with Britain's most authoritative address system?
Address data is a powerful way to connect and exchange data about people, places and properties. There are over 40 million addresses in Britain and Ordnance Survey can show you where each is, what it represents, and what’s around it. Giving you the power to accurately locate, plan and respond.
The LGA suggests that there are ‘easy wins’ for local authorities with UPRNs
LGA's Research and Information Manager, Juliet Whitworth, advises that many local authorities would see quick and easy benefits from adopting UPRNs.
Government Digital Service: using UPRNs and USRNs to increase efficiency in the civil service
Terence Eden, Senior Technology Policy Advisor, Government Digital Service and Steve Brandwood, Executive Director of Communities, GeoPlace.
National Audit Office on the benefits of open standards and UPRNs
Nick Chapallaz, Managing Director, GeoPlace and Dr Marc Adams, Senior Analyst and Mapping Lead, National Audit Office.
The Lettings Industry Council: using the UPRN to improve safety and reduce costs
Simon Barlow, Executive Director of Consultancy, GeoPlace and Theresa Wallace, Chair of the Lettings Industry Council
The power of place
Unleashing the power of place
Open, freely available UPRNs and USRNs will deliver immense benefits to the private and public sector. UPRNs and USRNs enable smarter use of data, revealing valuable insights and improving efficiency in both business and policy-making.

Data in use
Using the UPRN in Property
For the property market in general, residential properties in particular, and for anyone working with data about land or buildings, the Unique Property Reference Number (UPRN) is a gamechanger.

the power of place
Helping you utilise the identifiers
As the originators of these unique identifiers, GeoPlace advises organisations on how to maximise the opportunity that open access presents.

The power of place
Becoming open and royalty free
Since July 2020, Unique Property Reference Numbers (UPRNs) and Unique Street Reference Numbers (USRNs) have been openly available and royalty free for use on Open Government Licence (OGL) terms from Ordnance Survey.

How do I get hold of UPRNs and USRNs?
GeoPlace manages the National Address Gazetteer that Ordnance Survey uses to publish the AddressBase range of products and the new OS Open UPRNs. We also maintain the National Street Gazetteer, the primary source for USRNs.
We supply USRNs to OS, so that they can create the OS MasterMap® Highways Network and include USRNs in the new OS Open USRN product.
You can find out more about these at the OS Website.
All of these datasets are available free of charge to the public sector under the Public Sector Geospatial Agreement.
Linked data using the UPRN and USRN
Take a look at some datasets that have been linked to the UPRN or USRN by various organisations.

Why is GeoPlace best placed to help?
GeoPlace is the central co-ordinator for UPRNs and USRNs in Great Britain. Our expertise in managing and using these unique identifiers is unparalleled.
We're the experts. And we're here to share our expertise.
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Are you interested in finding out more about the Power of Place? Do you want to learn more about UPRNs and USRNs? Then complete the form below and subscribe to our mailing list for the latest GeoPlace insights straight to your inbox.