Marisa Hayes looks at the role of the Data Lead for a local authority collating and submitting data to the National Underground Asset Register (NUAR).

Progressing a local authority onto the NUAR Platform is a journey and, with the appropriate legal agreements in place, the Data Lead is one of the key drivers. With responsibility for supply of data and refresh rates, Data Leads play a crucial role in bringing the register to life. NUAR is still a Minimum Viable Product, which means that those developing the platform and processes welcome feedback from the users - and importantly the Data Leads. That’s why we have started a NUAR Data Leads Network, with regular online events to discuss the process.

What does a NUAR Data Lead do?
An authority may choose to have one or more Data Leads – set up with secure access to the 1DataGateway and to the various data sets their organisation submits to NUAR.
As many of our experienced Data Leads will confirm – the role surrounds much more than data and is a key role in the success of NUAR, influencing and collaborating with colleagues to update and release data. The Data Leads Network is there to provide support and tools needed.
Submissions are based on the ‘Data Asks’, covering a range of assets – above and below ground – typically held and maintained by a council. All of these are valid for submission to NUAR to assist in the planning and execution of street works in a safe and timely manner.
As soon as data is released internally, permissions in place, the Data Lead is able to access the 1DataGateway to load a zip file and a pro-forma with relevant contact details. The NUAR team then transforms the data through a careful matching process ‘field-to-field’. A Data Ingestion Specification document is then returned to the Data Lead and a playback meeting arranged. This document outlines the fields matched, the match rate and highlights any inconsistencies. The process is then complete.
Moving forward, the Data Lead then provides refreshed data for their organisation at agreed intervals. Many organisations have agreed to refresh their data every 3 months, while some authorities may be on an annual refresh cycle. For some, a monthly refresh fits neatly within the scope of their current role. We would recommend moving towards this where possible, as completing data refreshes regularly can help you to develop and establish your processes. Using the new “API” facility available can also automate aspects of the process.
What are the data asks?
Overground assets are welcome in the NUAR platform too. NUAR aims to hold data which will support the planning and execution of safer street works, so all of the below are accepted:
Critical (Risk to life) | Highly Desirable (Damage Prevention) | Desirable |
Illuminated signs | Highways structures, culverts, retaining walls | Manholes/Inspection covers |
Traffic lights/signals | Conservation areas | Access chambers |
Street lighting | Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) | Wildlife corridors |
EV charging points | Section 50s (NRSWA) | Brownfield sites |
Parking meters | Ducting | Archaeological sites |
CCTV | Tree Preservation Orders (TPOs) | Historical sites |
District Heating Systems | Gullies & drainage | Section 58s (NRSWA) |
Buried cables | Weather / traffic monitoring equipment | Street trees |
Do you work for a highway authority that hasn’t yet onboarded to the National Underground Asset Register?
Why not join this upcoming webinar on 10 September, where you can hear about other authorities’ experience of using and submitting data to NUAR.
Find out more about the Data Leads Network or contact the NUAR team by emailing [email protected].