You may not realise it, but all councils have an incredible pool of data at their disposal. Your authority has at least one member of staff responsible for creating location data, which is available for you to use.
On its own, the data in your systems is limited and only really of value to the service that collected it. But by linking the data, via this location information, you can increase the efficiency of processes as well as gain more insight about your residents and business, in order to target resources more effectively.
In this virtual event on 28th November 2024, funded by Government, you can hear from Sarah Abbott, from Nottingham City Council, about how they are achieving efficiency savings and an impressive return on investment (ROI) by using their geocoded address data (UPRN) across the organisation and the steps they took to achieve this.
After the event, attendees were sent a briefing pack with a personalised data integration report, to help understand how well their authority is already making use of the location data available to them, compared with the national profile.
Watch a recording of the webinar below
Speakers included:
Juliet Whitworth, Head of Research and Information, Local Government Association
Mark Williams, Senior Data Adviser, Local Government Association
Sarah Abbott, GIS and Data Infrastructure Manager, Nottingham City Council
Useful links:
External Link
Watch the webinar
Watch a recording of 'Best kept secret: unlocking the hidden value of your data'.
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Download slides

Download resources
Find QR codes to resources from 'Best kept secret: unlocking the hidden value of your data'

Case study
Nottingham City Council predicts impressive 6:1 ROI on use of address and street data
This new case study – ‘Return on Investment Analysis: Assessing the socio-economic value of address and street data to Nottingham City Council‘– should be of huge interest to all local authority decision-makers. In it, the findings show that for every £1 invested in the use of accurate and integrated addressing, there lies the potential to make efficiency savings and increase revenue organisation-wide by up to £6.

Discover our new interactive knowledge base
The Integration Knowledge Base is designed to provide answers to the most common integration queries. Find this and other integration resources here.

Your data
Are you leveraging your best kept secret?
We’ve produced a tailored report for every local authority on how well your authority is utilising address data and its UPRNs.

Your personalised infographics
Your Address Custodian and Street Custodian have been sent a series of infographics displaying a snapshot of the data that your authority holds.

Your data
The value to your authority
Discover how you can get a ROI of 6:1 through integrating your data

Your data
The value of integration
Integration is a way of unlocking value from those vast amounts of data you hold about people and places. GeoPlace has developed tools to enable officers to assess the maturity of integration within systems.

Data integration tools and procurement advice
Find resources to help local authorities to specify and procure effective systems for integrating the UPRN and USRN into their service delivery.

How to...
Use your gazetteer to detect missing local tax revenue
Are you collecting all your local revenues? Do you know where all your residents live and where all of your businesses are located? Are you identifying all non-exempt properties and clamping down on fraud?

Data in use
Government guidance
Central govenment mandates the use of UPRNs and USRNs. This is a collection of government guidance on best practice for using address and street data in your organisation.

Address data
Free address data services
Every local authority has access to its own address data. Additionally, under the Public Sector Geospatial Agreement (PSGA), local authorities can receive other address service free of charge, including APIs, to support seamless integration of services.

Street data
Free street data services
Every local authority has access to its own street data. Additionally, GeoPlace a range of free street data services to local authorities.

How to...
Next step: talk to your Custodian
Address and street custodians create and maintain local address and street data and ensure consistency between the records for their area. There are many benefits to making contact with your local custodian.

Your data
Endorsed by decision makers
Discover videos below from senior politicians, managers and practitioners in local authorities and central government.